Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Letter Breakdown (12/12/2011)

I have 2 quotes from this letter I'm going to share, however like always I'm going to do an over all sum up of the letter. Okay, this letter we spoke about our person lives. What we look for in a relationship, what our favorite qualities of the opposite sex is, truly just a break down of little things in life. Music, movies, languages he's learning and once again his family. To the first quote!
"I believe that the most common difference in a relationship is that women believe in relationship where on the other hand men in completion."
We all have our own outlook on a relationship and how we think of it. At this point we were just learning of one another and there was no relationship other than friendship between us and I was not seeing anyone. All of us woman know what it's like to be in a relationship, a good relationship. We shift our world around to make it work, any means necessary. Bagherra may not see eye to eye with all men on relationships, but he has his own opinion. He grew up in a snake pit. Where girls were easy and good looking, however WOMEN were hard to find. Someone down to earth, someone that could "hold their man down" so to speak. We have all found ourselves in an awkward situation when it comes to being in public with our loved ones, men "show off" their woman to other men and other men want to be King of the Throne. A simple glance at a woman's body can set off a gun blast, or a fist fight. For us woman, some get a thrill from it and some get embarrassed. Personally I get embarrassed. I think it's childish to fight over a woman. You should never try to intervene in someones relationship. If a woman is happy, leave her be and if she's miserable, let her work it out for herself. Like this quote says and man and a woman look at a relationship different. Prisoners are no different. We must all remember they came from somewhere and did have a life before they were sentenced. They may not know what it's like to be in a physical relationship, but mentally you never forgot what it's like to have companionship, someone to talk to and someone to love.
"By the way that Italian woman I was telling you about is truly adorable! There’s something about her she has this special way to brighten my day and lifting my spirit!!! What do you think! A keeper?"
This quote always makes me smile. We will need it down the line when he talks about this "Italian woman". Knowing I can do so little and brightens someones day truly makes me feel I've done a good thing. I know what it's like to be kept in the dark, however I don't know what it's like to be truly alone. In Prison your best friend is also your worst enemy. You truly can not trust anyone. Everyone is out for personal gain. Writing to an inmate is an experience to say the least. I've learnt so much about myself and about letting someone in. I'm not the typical female. I may do my nails and my hair, but I'm most comfortable in sweat pants and a white tee that is far too large for me. He makes me feel beautiful when my hair is tied back, glasses on and dressed in over sized clothes. This quote goes beyond a look. It gets into an emotional feeling. A feeling of truly getting to know someone, to see whats on the inside. He saw the cover and he was intrigued to read the book. Although he is only in the first few pages, he's hooked. Keep in mind this is the first letter back since I sent him a photo of myself. He had NO idea what I look like except for a brief description...
Bagherra saw my beauty on the inside before I allowed to see the beauty on the outside. We had been writing a month before I sent a photo of myself to him. I allowed him to know of me before he saw me. I'm no supermodel but I'm no Gollum either. (For those of you who do not know who Gollum is google him). We tend to judge everyone on ones appearance. I can not stress this point enough!! Through writeaprisoner I've found many woman who found love in men that most of us wouldn't take a second look at. We are too materialistic, too up tight and too snobby to realize that you could have the most beautiful man or woman in this world and still feel empty. It takes more than a pretty face to make a relationship work. A person must be able to have a conversation, they must have a personality and they most be able to communicate. Without these basic things we will all fail! Looks are not a deciding factor for myself, they help sure, but in truth many people think Bagherra is just "cute, or adorable or meh". Where I thought he was cute and now in my eyes I think he's the most handsome man in this world... WHY? Simple... His personality and sense of humor make him that much better looking. Yes, I may be looking through a window of love and have my blinders on, or just my glasses off, but I see the beauty he holds inside. In life we must always remember there is more to a person than their looks, crimes and past. There is a present, and future in there somewhere too. Let's not ever forget this. Don't write someone off due to what they have done, give them a chance because of who they are today, here and now. If he/she treats you well and has a dark past, help them move forward, take the risk. You won't only change their lives but you'll make a dent in your own and see the world from a new point of view.

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