Monday, October 14, 2013

A Quick Update.

Hello!! I know I have not written in awhile. I have been super busy. I am going to give a brief update for those of you who care. I raised enough funds to get my surgery done, I want to thank everyone who contributed both emotionally and from your pockets! My pre-op is this Thursday and Friday I will be posting the paperwork and the date my surgery is. I am very blessed to have so many friends and family in my corner and I want to take a minute to thank everyone who is on my side. What I am going through is not easy, nor is it 'normal'. Not only have I been battling Cervical Cancer, I've been battling myself. At one point I was ready to throw in the towel and call it quits. This whole ordeal has defiantly had it's ups and downs. I thank God I have such amazing people around me to hold me up when I do not think I will make it mentally. Now, I am in no way saying I'm in pain constantly, almost all of the 'pain' is mental. It's a struggle to keep my thoughts positive at times and it's also a struggle to continue being poked and prodded by my doctor.
Just A Few Visits A Month...
Speaking of doctors, the doctor I found out here in Riverside is amazing and gentle, although most tests and treatment aren't as pleasant as the doctor. Dr. Santodo is an amazing M.D. He is quick and to the point. When he gave me the news he didn't try to butter it up or make it sound like I won an award rather then testing positive for cancer. My original results were supposed to be read this Thursday, however he called me in earlier. When I tested positive earlier this year it was at a stage one. I am now on a stage three, which says a lot more than I thought. It is a very aggressive cancer, and it does move quickly. Now, back to the doctor. He is rushing for me to get into surgery, so he made an appointment for this Thursday for the pre-op, by this time next month I am hoping to be cancer free and enjoying every ounce of life I am given.
Once again I want to thank everyone who had stuck by my side. The people who have sent there well wishes and words of encouragement. Thank you, without you I could not do this, I would never be able to face this alone. I will keep everyone updated, so on Friday I am hoping to be able to post all the dates!
“Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.”

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